Divorce + Dating



Alternating Weekends. My time spent. Without kids. Alone, silent, healing. I do what is needed to be done. Sleep. Rest. Cry. Be. I am so grateful for what I have. So lucky to have intense love and time spent with them. And then quiet solitude to heal and mend. I never had quiet. My life…

Quality Time

Quality Time

You’re engaged when you tell your stories. Touch my arm, my side, my hip. Striving to make the connection. But your eye wanders. I watch you watch the pretties as they walk by. Your eyes follow them. As if they are more important. And my walls go up. When I tell stories you don’t hold…

Lost & Broken

Lost & Broken

As the years passed I thought I was living the life of my dreams: raising my beautiful children, running my business, living my life. But reflection is amazing, isn’t it? With years behind me and wisdom gained I now look back over the span of these years and realize that little by little, year by…

I’m in

I’m in

It has always been about the ever after. The prince of my dreams. I didn’t have it the first time. And I have been seeking the one that has it all. That can take care of me. Fulfill my dreams. Define my future. In all these years of learning and growing. I may have just…

The Power of Self

The Power of Self

Self is inward. It is private. Self is your deepest dreams and greatest aspirations. It is your assets, vulnerabilities, body, mind, and spirit. It’s your truth; what you want, who you are and who you want to be. I don’t think I ever thought about self as its own entity. I’ve thought about self-confidence, the times in my life…