I’m Sorry
For belittling you.
For not giving you the credit you deserve.
For minimizing you,
and what you have accomplished.
For being ashamed of your (lack of) success.
And for judging your success against others.
For not acknowledging how far you have come.
For not praising you for what you have done.
For not loving you for who you are.
Please forgive me (Tricia).
I now see that I have been hard on you.
How critical I have been.
An unfair standard.
With an expired deadline.
How could you possibly win.
The bar was set immeasurably too high.
A standard that you weren’t going to achieve.
Because if you had…
You wouldn’t be where you truly needed to be.
Success in your case is not yet for you to achieve.
Because if you had…
You wouldn’t be here.