Self + Acceptance

I’m Sorry

I’m Sorry

For belittling you. For not giving you the credit you deserve. For minimizing you, and what you have accomplished. For being ashamed of your (lack of) success. And for judging your success against others. For not acknowledging how far you have come. For not praising you for what you have done. For not loving you…

That Room

That Room

The heat. The quiet. The intent. It’s sacrid. Healing. Pure. Accepting. Nonjudgemental. Light. I can breathe. And be me. Just me. No makeup. No title. No responsiblity. Just me. Immerse myself in my practice. Focus on my body. At my own pace. The power of the postures. The depth of that day. The cleansing of…

Thank You

Thank You

I look up at the sky… “Thank you dad.” As I look at the sky… I know you are crafted it. All of it. Eliminated who wasn’t worthy. At the right time. In the right way. You put in my path.. crafted every circumstance. Showed me the truth of those around me. Gave me the…

Can I Sleep With You

Can I Sleep With You

“Can I sleep with you?” She says. “Of course you can.” I reply. She hasn’t done that is long time. I thought she was good? She’s been better. Happier. More upbeat. Bouncy. Sleep with me? Are we back there again? How man steps have we gone back? I wasn’t ready. I thought we were good….



I now have my wings. I am now able to fly. Preparadness. Years of learning. Cleansing. Clearing. Honing in. Releasing. Calling in. Harnessing. It is now. I am ready. Stepping one foot at a time. Putting on my balls. And roaring my roar. But the beauty of it all. I don’t need to yell. Only…



I love me. I love my body. I love the cycles of me. I trust fully in the process of life. I AM READY! It is my time, NOW! I no longer have to wait. He is here for me! His is my gift! I can breathe.



You are such a strong woman. You have done so much. And done it all by yourself. You have done what few have done. Taken on what most wouldn’t have. For all the good and the bad. More of the good, because you were brave. You followed you heart. You didn’t give up. You knew…



Trusting my body. It was telling my story. Where to go, what was wrong, how to heal. My ailments, issues and insecurities were all telling the story. Silently screaming: where there were blocks, unresolved issues, emotional hurdles. What I felt was my guide. I chose not to hear, all the silent signs across my body…

My Pieces

My Pieces

Over the years parts of me died. And other parts were given or taken. I very willingly gave away slivers of and sometimes complete sections of my heart, my individuality, my identity, my creativity. Then there were those that took when I was not strong enough to stand my ground and stake m claim. Over…



It starts inside, That is where the work begins. It’s not about the ta-da of the outside world. It’s not about the facade or how you fasly portray. Does that make you feel better? More important? More interesting? What are you looking for? Is the real you not the you you want to see? Why…



 I will follow my path. Listen deep to my heart. Trust my inner guide. Live by my truth. I will quiet the demons that haunt me. I will feed the hope that drives me. I will nourish my mind, body and spirit with actions that build me. I will shut down those and that that…

The Power of Me

The Power of Me

Being the best, most authentic me is all I want to be. It is powerful and it is freeing. What do you want? What do you stand for? Who do you want to be? What are you waiting for? As you embark on your journey of self, see yourself for all the greatness that you embody….